Be sure to read the full instructions before starting the test. This will help you understand how to conduct the test properly. If you cannot locate the instructions, you can find them online here.
- For both Short Term and Long Term test kits, testing begins once the radon sampler is exposed to air. To begin testing you will need to open the plastic bag and pull out the sampler for placement.
- Immediately place the sampler in a location that fits the guidelines listed in the instructions.
- Don’t forget to provide the test start and stop information. We cannot calculate your test result without all start and stop information.
- For Short Term tests, the start time, start date, stop time, and stop date are all required.
- For Long Term test, the start date and stop date are required.
- For Radon in Water tests, the test begins when you collect the sample of water in the vial.
- Refer to this FAQ for instructions on how to collect the water sample.
- For Radon in Water tests, the start date and time are required (this is the date and time you collected the water sample).